Friday 13 September 2013

Ich bin in Berlin

Lucile, my sister, moved to Berlin about 6 months ago for work and I had not seen her since (far too long!). Even though I've been here twice before it was nice this time to stay a little longer and live the local life more. The first weekend here we went to the Berlin Festival, which took place in Tempelhof Airport-an airport turned into a park.  It was a really cool venue and the best act was by far Bjork who at 47 put on the most amazing live show.  The other days we did a combination of tourist things such as visiting Check point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag, the Berlin wall, while also taking in the local Berlin culture by going to parks, wandering the streets, eating delicious food, and going to bars.

At the Berlin Festival

Berlin Festival at Tempelhof Airport

Berlin Cathedral and Tv Tower

Reichstag- Parliament Building 

Lucile and I inside the Reichstag Dome

Me and Lucile at the Brandenburg Gate

Berlin Wall

I missed my sister dearly but I am so glad to see how well she's doing here in Berlin.  Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before we see each other again!

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