Wednesday 25 September 2013

Ireland Part Two

The Irish are known for enjoying beer, perhaps just a stereotype, it most definitely wasn't one among my friends.  Guinness is THE Irish beer and is definitely an acquired taste.  Although I personally am not a huge fan of it I was still very keen on visiting the brewery in downtown Dublin.  The experience was a lot of fun, the storehouse is beautiful and full of history and finishes at the top of the building in a circular glass room overlooking all of Dublin.  By the end of it I knew the different components that make up this famous beer as well as how to pour a perfect pint, I might even go as far as to say I started to enjoy the taste!

Me and Ian

View of Dublin from the top of the storehouse

For the rest of my time in Dublin, I spent time at Trinity College visiting Ciara and Niall while they did various things for Fresher week as well as wandering through the city and enjoying the night life. The day before I left Ciara, Niall, Ian, Ricardo, and I went for a beautiful hike at Glendalough.  Not far outside Dublin this beautiful site is the natural Ireland you would imagine. 


Left to Right: Ricardo, Ian, me, Niall


Overall this trip was amazing and wouldn't have been the same without the hospitality of Ciara, Niall, and especially Ian. I will definitely be back!

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