Tuesday 24 September 2013

Ireland Part One

Last summer my job was made a lot more fun when a few of the staff members were Irish people who had come to Toronto for the season to work. After a fantastic summer we said our goodbyes and hoped we'd see each other again.


After visiting my sister I headed over to Dublin to see Ian, Ciara, and Niall! As soon as I got in we went out and I got to experience the night life.  It was really fun and made great promise for what to expect for the rest of the trip. Ciara and Niall were quite busy with back to uni stuff, so on Monday Ian took me to Killkenny. Just an hour and a bit outside of Dublin, we saw the Dunmore Caves and the Killkenny Castle, followed by dinner with Ian's sister. We then headed to his farm where I met his parents, brother and fiancee, and one of his childhood friends.  Everyone was so friendly and kind, I truly felt at home!  My favourite part was when everyone went to bed, Ian took me on a night stroll of the property.  Although it was cloudy and we couldn't see the stars, it luckily wasn't raining (quite impressive for Ireland!).

Dunmore Caves

Dunmore Caves

Ian and his lovely mother

The next day we walked through a beautiful forest and explored more of his land, even though it was raining it added to the charm of this beautiful country!

Ian at his farm


After we said our goodbyes we headed back to Dublin... more on that on the next post!

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