Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Bachelor

As I start to write this post I can't believe what I'm about to say... After 4 long years I have officially completed  my undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto! As I finished writing my last two exams (ever) I felt a mix of emotions- excited, nervous, overjoyed, sad, but most of all relieved. After all that work, all the ups and downs, I was finally DONE.

Each year has represented something different and I learned something new. Not only did I learn amazing things about the world, how to study, write an essay, multi-task, and so on but also many things that went beyond the academia.

I truly could not have done it without the support of my friends and family but also the people who spent countless hours with me in the library or who sat in some questionable lectures and even those who enjoyed terrible coffee and vending machine food with me.

It's been a great 4 years!!

Goodbye uoft, hello real world!

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