Monday 26 September 2011

Finally In Love Again

Hello Everybody,

Great news, I HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE!!!
It's a lovely appartment in the 4eme arrondisement of Paris which is also known as "Le Marais". I have great memories in this neighbourhood, especially from two years ago when my family did a house exchange and my best friend Spiros came to visit.  We spent most of our nights here causing trouble, discussing philosophy (especially works of descartes), and so on. Needless to say, I'm sure I will spend a fantastic year living here and creating new memories.
I have two roommates; Emma is from Spain and Laura is from Germany. They're awesome and we already get along really well! We're planning trips to go to different places in France and in Europe. I don't have a picture at the moment but I will post one of us in our new home soon :) Things finally feel like they're working out and I can now truly enjoy paris and fall in love with it all over again..


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