Sunday 4 December 2011


I know this will be hard to believe but the cheapest flight out of Athens was to Amsterdam. At first I wasn't sure how I felt about going there but I had a few days to visit one more place before going back to Paris and then Nice to meet my mom. Weekends are crazy packed so most hostels were booked, I ended up staying in a Christian hostel in the center of the Red Light District (oh the irony!).  Honestly I know this city has a reputation for a few things, but it is truly one of the most beautiful cities I've seen. It's clean, safe, and rich in history and culture. I got the chance to get a quick history lesson on the Deutsch at the Rijksmuseum and see paintings by one of their most famous painters- Rembrandt. I also checked out the van Gogh museum!

These past three weeks have been great, now I'm in Nice once again with my family where I met up with my mama :) Next up I'm trying to go to Vienna, Budapest and Slovenia, and I'd like to finish in London before heading back to Toronto!


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