Wednesday 5 February 2014

Kung Hei Fat Choy!

I arrived in Hong Kong just in time for Chinese New Year, which meant the city was buzzing even more than usual. I met tons of people through the school I'll be teaching at and we battled through jet lag and began exploring. Among many stops we went to the Botanical/Zoo gardens, the flower market, Chi Lin Nunnery, and Big Wave Bay.  We also enjoyed the night life, which is quite an experience compared to Canada where most nights end around 2 am, but here they can go on till 6 am! I also went to visit my cousin who works for Thomson Reuters and got to play reporter and go in front of the camera!  I didn't take pictures of everything (I've been too amazed to take out my camera half the time) but here are some shots:

Jon and I reporting live from HK

Chi Lin Nunnery

Olivia and I

"Winter" in Hong Kong
Decided to hike from the beach, unbelievable views!

Happy Year of the Horse everyone!

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