Wednesday 21 January 2015

Lion's Rock

If you google hikes in Hong Kong, Dragon's Back and Lion's rock are the first to show up; that's because they have amazing views and are beginner friendly.  On a beautiful Sunday, Anna, Jamie, Duncan and I decided to give Lion's rock a go.  We had trouble finding a clear starting point so we ended up starting near a reservoir that was supposedly near Lion's Rock. In the end we did 2 hikes instead of one but it was so beautiful, none of us minded at all!  (I didn't get many clear shots of the view because it was quite a polluted day, however I vow to go back at sunset and take epic photos).
Lion's rock peak

me, Jamie, Anna
View of Kowloon


Jamie and Duncan

Almost there!

Literally on the edge
We're now trying to do a hike every weekend!

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