Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kinabalu Park

My dad and sister Lucile came to visit me in Hong Kong.  After a week of touring the city we headed south.  Borneo is an island in Southeast Asia which consist of 3 countries: Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia. We made our way to Kota Kinabalu which is located in the Malysian part of the island.

David, me, Lucile with Mount Kinabalu in the background

Right off the bat we knew we wanted to go to Kinabalu park which is a UNESCO world heritage site. Famous for Mount Kinabalu, we were unable to book to climb the summit because of how last minute this trip was, however we climbed around the base and to about half way up the mountain.  It was a treacherous 8 hour hike but the scenery and final view made it worth it.  I think it's fair to say we're all feeling it even a few days after.  Overall the park is a must see, a good family bonding experience, and even if you don't make it to the summit make sure to hike around the area!

Pre hike: optimistic.

Post hike: dead.

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