Monday 21 July 2014

The Peak

Victoria Peak, or 'The Peak' is probably one of the first stops you make in Hong Kong.  Somehow I managed to let 4 months pass by before finally going.  It wasn't the clearest day but with enough excuses having prevented this visit it was peak time.

Now I'll admit this next statement is partially due to my fear of heights but I honestly didn't love their Sky Terrace 428 viewing platform. I think a large part of the reason was because of how crowded and commercialized the area was with two massive malls attached to it. With sweaty palms and a heart beating much too fast, I was about to go back down when I randomly decided to walk in a direction away from the tourists. I ended up on the Lugard Road walk, which was incredible! It gave you the same 360 view as the platform however this 30 minute walk felt more authentic with the untamed nature all around. You passed a waterfall and got to see the Pok Fu Lam reservoir then through the forest you went with glimpses of mansions above and then finally you slowly approached the harbour, getting closer to the money shot of Hong Kong... I was lucky to have accidentally fallen upon this walk and seriously recommend it to anyone!!

It was a bit windy haha

Paparazzi trying to get the perfect shot 

Artsy shot because I'm clearly a pro 

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